Art College
I went up to Wolverhampton in September 1968 to study on the Foundation Course under Bill Kimpton and then for the next 3 years under Robin Plummer. Wolverhampton itself was much like a foreign country to me at the time having never been much north of London.The Foundation course was brilliant, well structured, and there was strong emphasis on sound drawing practice but also encouragement to experiment. There was a recognition of the ' Winds of Change' to social attitudes and current thinking in the broader Art World. We sampled every different discipline (see my only Etching for instance below), throughout the year before making a choice as to how to continue. At the beginning of the 1st of the subsequent 3 years of study we moved into the brand spanking new purpose built college building which you still see today and which had excellent facilities. Although I was studying on a Graphics Diploma Course I happily spent the majority of my time wandering between the various disciplines the college had to offer and I took full part in all social activities. For my final year project I illustrated John Steinbecks" "The Grapes of Wrath" and "Of Mice and Men" and Hubert Selby Juniors" "Last Exit to Brooklyn". I left Wolverhampton in the summer of 1972 and after a bit of mucking about washed up to start my career as an artist living and working in Brighton.